Corporate Partners
There are several ways for your Business or Organization to join our mission... From helping to promote our mission, to working with us on our special events and including your customers and clients, to donating your time or even your products and/or services.
These are amazing local Corporate Partners, who help us in granting Wishes For Heroes and their families.
Anna Maria Oyster Bar
Basils Flame Broiled Chicken & Ribs
Begley Auto Repair
Budweiser/Gold Coast Eagle Distributing
Capris Furniture Centerstate Bank
Half Price Mattress
Home Depot
Lakewood Ranch Community Activities
Manatee Apparel Graphics
Mister Sparky Florida
Morton's Market
Nancy's BBQ
New Age Technology Solutions
Precision Garage Door
Sean McCutcheon's Air Conditioning & Heating
Stottlemeyer's Smokehouse
Terra Ceia Bay Golf Club
Zumba Sarasota
Community & Non-Profit Organization Partners
We are proud to partner and collaborate on serving our local veterans and their families with these amazing local organizations...
American Legion Post 30 - Sarasota, FL
AM Vets Post 941 (Denis V. Cooper) - Palmetto, FL
The organization includes AMVETS, Sons of AMVETS, Ladies Auxiliary and Riders. We meet the 2nd Monday of every month at 7pm. Meetings are
held at Loyal Order of the Moose, 203 9th St Dr W, Palmetto FL 34221. Every Veteran is invited to attend. Guests are most welcome! Contact them for further information on our meeting times, calendar of our Volunteer events, and happenings.eteranmuni
Goodwill Manasota
Goodwill Manasota has created a Veterans Task Force. Mission is to: “Provide a leadership role in addressing strategic issues and providing
community-supported solutions facing veterans and their families on employment and transitioning into civilian life.” The Veterans Task Force sent a
survey to numerous organizations that focus on veteran’s issues, as well as individual veterans and asked them to provide input as to the main issue f
facing veterans – from their perspectives. For more information, please call us at 941.355.2721 ext. 451.
Heroes Welcome Home
Heroes Welcome Home is a Non-Profit organization that raises money to reward our veterans by helping them with their dream of being a
homeowner! They believe in honoring those who give service to our society by assisting in their pursuit of the American Dream, home
ownership. Heroes Welcome Home is a charity that raises money to assist Veterans with down payment/closing cost assistance. The Heroes Welcome
Home team partners with community foundations, business and individuals alike in order to raise money and awareness for this amazing cause. Our
Heroes have sacrificed for us, now we want to give back to them!
Jewish Family & Children Services
Mission: To support veterans and their families who reside in Sarasota, Manatee, Charlotte or DeSoto Counties who are confronting life's challenges.
Operation Military Assistance Program (OMAP) offers case management and financial assistance to very low income veterans and their families who
are literally homeless or who are about to become homeless to enable them to obtain or maintain stable, permanent housing.
Manasota Operation Troop Support
A non profit organization serving military Troops deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait with ties to Manatee and Sarasota County and their families.
Manatee County Veterans Council
We are a not-for-profit 501 c (19) Veteran Organization made up of all volunteers serving our 40,000 plus Veteran community as their advocate. While
not all inclusive, our membership includes the local American Legion posts, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), American Veterans (AMVETS), Military
Officers Association of America (MOAA), KWVA, DAV, Desoto Marine Corps League, Goodwill Manasota, Turning Points, Merchant Marines, Ladies
Auxiliary, Riders, Sons, USFSM, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), Manasota Elks, Sarasota County Veterans Commission and the list goes
on...We help articulate and champion our Veterans' needs with our government officials at all levels, Veteran friendly businesses, support to include a
more direct benefits referral process. In many cases, we discovered that many public school students, business and non-veteran 501c3 organizations
are not aware of what we do and can do as Veterans once we no longer wear the uniform. We are not just advocates for Veterans; we advocate for their
families and all youth, Veteran related or not.
Marine Corps League - Detachment #588
The Marines Corps Ball, Toys for Tots in Manatee County and Young Marines, are just a few of our roles locally.
Operation Outdoor Freedom - State of Florida
Sponsored by Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam, “Operation Outdoor Freedom” provides wounded veterans with the outdoor activities that they enjoy at no cost. Designated state and agricultural lands throughout Florida grant these veterans unique opportunities for recreation
and rehabilitation. The Florida Forest Service, within the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, has provided hundreds of veterans
with the “Operation Outdoor Freedom” experience, and Commissioner Putnam encourages veterans who qualify to register for upcoming events.
Paws and Warriors
In towns everywhere shelters are full of animals at risk of euthanasia, that have great potential to serve a purpose given the opportunity. Veterans can
relate to the their anxiety and hidden scars. They can see how the animals have overcome hardships and adapted to survive and thrive. The animal is a
reminder to keep fighting and moving forward. LaVonne L. Bower, Founder - saw this effect firsthand after she fostered and adopted her dog Oz who was
saved by a local rescue organization from the local kill shelter. LaVonne fostered Oz with the intent to adopt him. She noticed very quickly that people
were drawn to Oz and his gentle, no-quit demeanor. After getting him certified as a pet therapy dog, the two of them volunteered at Blake hospital,
Baypines VA and, eventually becoming part of the Sarasota Association for Equine Therapy’s (SMART) Warriors in Transition (WIT) program.
Sarasota County Veterans Commission
The Commission is a non-profit federation of veterans’ organizations, military and patriotic associations and their auxiliaries serving Sarasota County.
The purpose of the Commission is to unify veterans’ organizations by providing solidarity in communicating veterans’ viewpoints on issues before local, state and national legislative bodies. The Commission disseminates information on issues of interest to veterans. The Commission plans, cooperates and coordinates with local authorities, government officials and other interested parties on matters of patriotic commemorations. The Commission plans, coordinates and implements other programs to serve the best interests of veterans, active, National Guard and reserve military personnel, their families,
surviving spouses and orphaned children. The Commission cooperates with local, state and national social services and welfare agencies in programs related to the welfare of veterans, active and reserve military personnel and their dependents.
SRQ Vets
SRQ Vets is a locally based 501(c)(3) non-profit founded and led by volunteers who are all veterans serving veterans in the SRQ area. We offer a
broad range of assistance to local vets in need, including helping in the Veterans Court, the Veterans Filmmaking Academy, Operation Rubix, aiding veterans in need of transportation, home modifications for disabled vets, and much more. Our scope is broad, but focuses entirely on local vets, helping make a local impact. We work on a 100% volunteer basis where the we take resources donated or raised locally and use those resources to help our local veterans or donate to veteran organizations that will specifically use those resources to help our local veterans. We have worked hard to become a network of doers and not talkers.
Vietnam Brotherhood
Alpha Co is a member of the Vietnam Brotherhood Florida, Alpha Co. is located in Sarasota Florida and works with the Sarasota County Veterans Commission, Sarasota National Cemetery, MOTS and many other county services to promote the Vietnam Veterans and all Veterans. Alpha Co. Honor
Guard has provided Honor Guard service to many of the Indigent Funerals at the National Cemetery, Parades, Sand Sculpting Ceremony's, ROTC
programs, The Vietnam Traveling Wall, Stand-Down Program to help the homeless and many more. Alpha Co. helps local services like MOTS which
sends packages to our service man, we host booths at events to provide information to Veterans regarding VA benefits, we meet our returning soldiers
to honor them and welcome them home, we do Flag Burning Ceremony's, we do Relay for Life a cancer fund raising event and so many more.
During the year Alpha Co. presents Awards for Outstanding ROTC Members, we judge ROTC Team competitions, and we visit schools to speak to
students about the Vietnam War. The Vietnam Brotherhood is an in-country, fraternal association of Vietnam Veterans.
If you would like to partner with the Denis V. Cooper Foundation in some capacity, in the granting of 'Wishes for Heroes"
please contact us:
Annual Sponsorship Opportunities
You and/or Your company can become one of our "Annual Heroes"... with a Tax-Deductible contribution...
Each of the below annual giving amounts entitles you to different levels of inclusion within each of our annual events...
Colonel Hero - $15,000
Major Hero - $10,000
Captain Hero - &7,500
Lieutenant Hero - $5,000
Sergeant Hero - $2,500
To learn more about becoming a "Annual Hero" with a Tax-Deductible Contribution. Simply Contact us: